General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The rules set by the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation give individuals in the EU more control over how their data is used and places certain obligations on businesses that process information of those individuals. Tile is making sure to adhere to these regulations.
What is Tile doing to adhere to GDPR?
All of our users based in the EU have been automatically opted out of our promotional email lists. We want to be sure we have your consent to send these email communications moving forward. We will not send you any further email communications unless you explicitly opt-in. Customers will continue to receive emails from Tile related to Tile services and any orders that you may place through the Tile webstore regardless of whether you have opted into promotional emails or not.
In addition, as part of GDPR, we are also asking you to reaffirm your acceptance and agreement to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. If you have installed and used the Tile app, you agreed to these when you originally set up your Tile account, but as part of GDPR, we are asking for explicit agreement again.
I received an email from Tile that relates to GDPR and it sends me to a webpage that has an “I Agree” button. What exactly am I agreeing to?
To comply with GDPR, Tile is asking EU customers for two explicit agreements:
1) In order to continue receiving all of Tile's services, we are asking you to acknowledge agreement to Tile's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. These are the same Privacy Policy and Terms of Use that you would have agreed to when you originally set up your Tile accounts. To give your agreement, select the “I Agree” button on the webpage.
2) Separately, we are also asking for customers to opt in to continue receiving marketing and promotional emails from Tile. To opt in, check the box that is displayed beside the type of emails you would like to receive - you can choose to receive Promotional emails. Opting in to receive marketing emails is unrelated to Tile’s core services and is NOT required to continue using Tile’s devices and/or app.
If you have not received an email from Tile, please check your Spam/Junk folder or contact us to let us know.
How do I opt out from receiving promotional emails from you?
If you’re a non-EU citizen, you can learn how to opt out of receiving promotional emails from Tile, including emails about important product updates, and exclusive offers.
If you’re an EU citizen, please refer to the answer provided above. You can opt out of receiving promotional emails by leaving both boxes unchecked before agreeing to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Although we have already automatically opted EU citizens out of receiving further promotional emails, we are asking customers to follow the steps described in our answer above so that you can acknowledge agreement to our existing Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and continue using Tile’s services.