Jiobit offers a 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee return policy for any Jiobit device purchased from an authorized retailer.
You have 30 days from the date of delivery to return your Jiobit. Follow these steps to complete your return for a full refund:
- On this screen, tap on Contact Us.
- Enter the details of your return request.
- Once your return request has been processed by our team, you will receive a confirmation email and a prepaid USPS shipping label.
- Pack your undamaged Jiobit and accessories in its original packaging.
- If you don’t have the original packaging, you can pack your items in any cardboard box and attach the new shipping label.
- Drop off your package at any USPS location within 5 business days of receiving your shipping label.
You will receive a full refund within 14 business days of us receiving your return, minus the $5 return shipping fee.