If you are a Premium or Premium Protect subscriber and you are experiencing an error when attempting to register your items for reimbursement, it can be a result of your Tile being unable to give location updates. Please follow these steps to ensure your Tile is working properly and giving location updates so that you can register your items for reimbursement:
1. Enable Location Services.
iOS Location Settings
- On your iPhone or iPad, tap Settings.
- Scroll down to and select Privacy.
- Tap Location Services.
- Switch Location Services to On.
- On the same page, scroll down to and select Tile.
- Set Location Services for the Tile app to Always. Location services must be set to "Always" for your Tile features to work accurately.
Android Location Settings
- Go to your device's Settings.
- Tap Location, Location services, or Location access (varies by device).
- Set Location Services for the Tile app to Allow all the time.
- Toggle on Use precise location.
Note: Each Android device may vary -- like Samsung vs Nexus -- so if you're unable to find your Location Services settings, see your phone's manual or support site.)
Learn more about checking your other permission settings.
2. Make sure you have a stable internet connection when registering items for reimbursement.
3. Make sure your Tile's battery is working.
- Check your Tile's battery type and expected battery life.
- Learn how to replace your battery.